Senior Portrait, Christina

 Christina is a 2012 Graduate of Howard High School and really enjoys country Music and playing the Guitar.  

Senior Portrait, Allison

Allison,  Howard High School class of 2013, enjoys the guitar and country music.

Senior Portrait, Andrew

Andrew,  a '12 Graduate from Meade High School, enjoys scuba diving, collecting hats, cooking and just having a good time.

He will be studying Bio Chemistry this fall. 


Senior Portrait, Kathleen


Senior Portrait, Eric

Eric Bettinger is a Senior at Old Mill High School and this winner of the 
Ridgeway Scholarship.
He Loves Tennis and plans to attend
Florida Institute of Technology in the fall.

Senior Portrait, Ade

Ade, a Senior at Howard High, enjoys Soccer and Basketball also Loves the Drums, and some quiet time with a good book.

    Ade will be attending University of Maryland in the fall. 

Senior Portrait, Corina

      Corina is a Howard High School Class of 2012 Senior.  She loves performing guitar at local venues in Howard County and plans to continue her education in the fall. 

Senior Portrait , Shobha

Shobha loves her studies at Howard High School and really enjoys playing on the soccer team.  She intends to continue playing soccer in college.