Senior Portrait, Nicole

 a Senior at Howard High, Nicole enjoys 
soccer, art, and photography.

Senior Portrait, Erik

Erik loves theater and music and has stared in several plays.  When he is not rehersing, Erik enjoys reading and photography.

"And Then They Came for Me"

Students at Howard High School put on a fabulous production of  "And Then They Came for Me".  A story of two Holocaust Survivors who, at different times met and befriended Ann Frank.  Ms Marissa Troeschel of Howard High, Directed this dark drama challenging her students to feel inside themselves.  This Spring (March 17-19) the Drama department will perform the musical "Anything Goes".   We can't wait!

Senior Portrait, Caitlin

Caitlin not only enjoys modeling while in her Senior year at Howard, but also plays on the La Cross and Basketball teams.

Senior Portrait, Anna

Anna, a Howard High Senior, is a member of the Lions Track Team and enjoys the high jump.  She also likes swimming and modeling. 

Senior Portrait, Hannah

Included in her studies at Howard High, Hannah enjoys Painting and Dance.  Outside of school she entertains Cosplay as an art form in the direction of Vocaloid and Lolita.

La Flor de Puebla Bakery


I had a great time photographing the products of La Flor de Puebla Bakery.  Fantastic cakes and breads in the authentic Mexican tradition.  My personal favorite is the sandwhich, just perfect. 

Senior Portrait, Sarah

Sarah really enjoys tennis while finishing her studies at Mead High.

Around the world in 32 Dances

Howard High Schools Spring Dance Program was a great sucess.  Commanded by Sara Few, dance instructor at Howard, the students put on a fantastic show representing cultures from all around the globe.

Senior Portrait ,Keri

Keri, from Meade High School, is on the Track Team and plays Cello in the strings Orchestra.  Here are just a few of her favorites photos from our portrait session.

Once Upon a Mattress at Howard High

The Senior Cast of Howard High's Presentation of  "Once Upon a Mattress"  proudly invite you to share with them, a great evening of Fun and Revelry March 18, 19, and  20   7:00 pm.  HAVE FUN.

Starring, in no particular order, Nick Kurtz, Jessica James, Adam Leatherman, Jena Frick, Adam Weidemann, Sean Hipp, and many more
Allen was needing some updated images. Here are a few.

Senior Portrait, Adam

While finishing his studies at Howard High, Adam enjoys the Drama Club and has many plays and musicals to his credit.  Adam is also the Senior class President for 2010.  His future interest include exploring the Culinary Arts.   Good luck Adam.

Chris needed some headshots for his portfolio. ................... ............................................. Here's some of what we got.